Tuesday, June 14, 2011


As I said earlier, finding medications for bipolar disorder is a chore. Everyone is different and reacts to medications/medication combinations in differently. Oftentimes the side effects are unbearable. Here is a list of the medications Christen has been on since she was 13, with the side effects she has experienced. We haven't found the right one yet.

-Prozac: Depression worsened, followed through with plan of suicide
-Remeron: Initially lost all symptoms of depression, helped appetite and weight, helped sleeping. Eventually symptoms worsened again and meds were changed.
-Risperdal: Absence of menstrual periods, lactation, increased appetite, headache
-Abilify: Restlessness, nervousness, insomnia, restless leg
-Depakote: Increase in appetite and sleep, headache, nausea, dry mouth
-Clomipramine: Irregular fast heartbeat, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, chills, inability to sleep
-Seroquel: Extreme tiredness (must sleep for at least 12 hours after taking), dry mouth
-Zyprexa: Increase in appetite/weight, insomnia, nausea
-Lithium: Currently taking Lithium (has been for 2 months). Nausea and vomiting after consumption, thirst.

If you are interested in learning more about medications for bipolar disorder, this website does a great job explaining the different classes, how they work and potential side effects: Bipolar Medication Guide

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